Baobab Drinks – Amina International

Agency: Ragsdale Design Group
Roles: Lead Art Director, Videographer & Editor, Photographer

Project Overview
Amina International is a health foods brand that specializes in Baobab Fruit - a superfood from Ghana that is the heart of their business and products. To help introduce their newest product line, Baobab drinks, we were tasked with creating a vibrant video introducing their flavor lineup and health benefits. Responsibilities included storyboarding, pitching to the client, production setup, videography, video editing, color grading, and final export.

A hiccup discovered while working on this project was that the blue and green bottles in the product suite perfectly matched the blue and green screen we were utilizing, forcing us to get creative with our shoot setup & masking in post production.


Initial Storyboard


Aquila Development Group
